#Nopesticideonmyplate for all living beings
We do not need toxic pesticides that poison nature, humans and all other living beings. Buğday Association for Supporting Ecological Living and PAN Europe carried out a joint project against pesticides, which threaten human health and our planet.
Pesticide use, or agricultural poisons in other words, is increasing in the world and in Turkey. According to the findings of a study conducted by two scientists from Uludağ University, pesticides are applied (or poison is cast) 18.3 times a year for a pear, 11.3 times a year for an apple, and 10 times a year for a peach, in industrial agriculture in Turkey.
Our ‘‘No Pesticide on My Plate’’ project, supported within the scope of European Union Civil Society Dialogue V Program and carried out in partnership with PAN Europe, in order to raise awareness on the dangers of pesticides and reduce pesticide use in Turkey, started on 1 April 2019 and lasted 1 year.
The Project aimed, for twelve months, to raise the awareness of producers and consumers about the adverse effects of pesticides, and alternative approaches to these; to increase cooperation between Turkish and European NGO’s working on pesticides; and strengthen the lobbying efforts of Buğday Association and other NGO’s in Turkey, to limit their use.
NGO’s and other civil initiatives with similar goals are brought together by ‘‘No Pesticide on My Plate’’ project, assisting them to move in unison for reducing pesticide use and disseminating alternative farming and pest management methods.
What we have done
- Briefing meetings with stakeholders
As a first step, possible candidates are contacted, informed about the project, and invited to the prospective network. Other important stakeholders such as ministries, government offices, universities and R&D companies are also informed about the project.
- No Pesticide on My Plate Civil Society Network is formed
A network is established in order to bring together NGO’S and other civil initiatives with shared commitments, and assist them with reducing pesticide use and disseminating alternative agricultural and pest management approaches in Turkey.
As of today, more than 100 organisations have joined the No Pesticide on My Plate Civil Society Network. Institutions from different fields of work, joining the Network, began working together for food security and started a petition. The Network, as a platform, adopted the responsibility of sustaining the food security efforts even after the Project’s finalization.
- A web site with informative materials has been established
A web site has been designed for the Project and the campaign (www.zehirsizsofralar.org) It holds project events, informative documents and resources (pesticides and alternative farming and pest management methods, good practices, current status in the EU and in Turkey, steps taken towards EU membership, future plans, legislation and legal amendments, legal governance mechanisms, food security in relation to pesticides, etc).
A ‘‘No Pesticides on My Plate Consumer Guide’’ has been published, with recommendations to consumers concerning healthy food and pesticides’ hazards. A ‘‘No Pesticides on My Plate Producers’ Guide’, with information about pesticides’ harms, and alternative methods and techniques is made available for growers. The Guide can be accessed online via the web site.
Visual materials, aimed at raising awareness among youngsters about healthy food and explaining the food’s journey to our plates, have been prepared.
- Non-toxic campaign
A petition campaign concerning the ban of 13 highly hazardous pesticides and support for alternative approaches have started, demanding an increase in control and making the results available for the public. There is currently 130 thousand individuals supporting the petition.
The campaign successfully raised awareness of farmers and consumers, and helped influence the public opinion about the hazards of pesticides. The demands of the campaign was influential on decision makers as well, resulting in 3 TBMM resolutions and 1 parliamentary research proposal.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry asked scientific opinions of universities, concerning the ban of 41 pesticides, including 13 active ingredients.
- Non-toxic conference
A 1-day pesticide conference had been held in İstanbul. The conference addressed adverse effects of pesticides on health, environment, biodiversity and climate, as well as reducing pesticide use, alternative farming methods and management techniques, good practices, traditional Anatolian practices and the EU perspective.
- No Pesticides on My Plate Documentary
The No Pesticides on My Plate documentary consists of 16 episodes, and addresses how pesticides known as agricultural poisons emerged, their hazards and their environment friendly alternatives. The documentary for No Pesticides on My Plate project, funded through European Union’s Civil Society Dialogue V Program and conducted by Buğday Association for Supporting Ecological Living, includes experts’ and farmers’ views on destructive effects of pesticides, as well as covering alternative methods and practices, which prove non-toxic production and non-toxic plates are possible. It is availabe for viewing on Youtube.